Sunday, 4 November 2012

We Scare Hunger

We Scare Hunger is an event held by Me to We groups every year to help collect food for local food banks.  Park View holds their event in Mahone Bay, and I've been fortunate enough to be able to help for the past two years.  All of the volunteers are split into groups and then given a route to take through Mahone Bay and knock on people's doors asking for donations for the Mahone Bay food bank.
This is a great event to get involved in because it gives you an excuse to get dressed up and go out on Halloween and actually accomplish something meaningful. Food banks are unfortunately a necessity, this year especially as demand for the food bank's services are the highest they have ever been in recent years. Most of the items provided by the food bank are privately donated, so it is quite an accomplishment to collect over 200 food items in one evening.
Seeing how grateful the volunteers who run the food banks are for receiving donations, and knowing that there are families who rely on the service to ensure they eat everyday is a fulfilling reward. Enough of a reward to make myself committed to remaining involved in any way that I can.